Participants can place anonymous bids and offers over the phone using a market operator, or interactively via the website on t2e’s online trading platform. t2e administers the entire transaction and settlement process, as well as offering dispute resolution services, if required. Participants can access historic, spot and forward-price information at any time by logging into the website or contacting their dedicated market operator.
For any order, if all the variables (except quantity) match with a counter order, a transaction will occur and a contract will be issued. Where payment terms cover a range, the contract will always specify the mutually acceptable option.
Collected Contracts allow buyers and sellers to trade Recovered Paper ex-works throughout the UK.
Delivered Contracts allow buyers and sellers to trade Recovered Paper delivered to ports throughout the world.
For more information on participants, or to join, contact the Trading Team on 0131 473 2337 or email
Enabling you to benchmark the true cost of PRNs, track market trends and review performance.
Saving you time and effort on administration and processing.
Giving you access to live PRN prices and recent trades. Enabling you to react quickly and confidently to market fluctuations.
Supporting you through every stage of the process and keeping you proactively up-to-date with the latest market information.
“t2e are a vital part of the compliance infrastructure. By providing a transparent and easy-to-use trading platform they give clarity in what can be an otherwise obscure marketplace.”
“The whole t2e setup is fantastic and a necessity for my business to succeed. The team in Edinburgh are a delight to work with.”
“t2e run a very efficient service, helping us sellers understand the market and achieve an appropriate price for our PRNs.”
The Environment Exchange
Hudson House
8 Albany Street
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 131 526 3023
Phone: +44 (0) 131 526 3040
Fax: +44 (0) 131 473 2326
"t2e" and "The Environment Exchange" are trademarks vested in The Environment Exchange Ltd. Registered in Scotland. No: SC 225230. VAT No: 804 1331 78